Friday, August 26, 2005


Today I told a friend I had this blog and did not tell her the address or the title as she didn’t ask. She is married too and much more private than I am. Often she has listened to my rants and provided a good bit of support; but this time she seemed a bit upset. We did not talk about it, I mean she does not know how much I need a place to vent. Most likely she is troubled by the fact that I have so many bad things to say about my husband. He’s not perfect and I’m not either. We do love people for their imperfections don’t we? Here are a list of mine:

1. I get dandruff in the winter.
2. If it’s yellow I let it mellow, if it’s brown it goes down.
3. I talk to much.
4. I like to pull the hair out of my hubby’s ears, he does not like it.
5. I love the dog too much, blowing kisses on his belly, that kind of too much.
6. I add water to the juice, the whole milk and other overly concentrated liquids.
7. Ketchup goes with everything.
8. After I use a hair brush, I do not remove my hair from it.
9. I clean obsessively.
10. Making the bed is a problem for me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think #2 is a fault, and I bet DLJ wishes I had the #9 problem!

9:52 AM  
Blogger The Missus Complains said...

ha ha! #2 is a problem for HIM!

10:14 AM  

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