Wednesday, December 07, 2005

My Man Has Hobbit Feet

Just last night my man took off his shoes and asked me if I knew where the nail clippers were. Mind you he does not use regular nail clippers but the ones that look like a cross between pruning shears and surgical forceps. His toenails are thick and very cut resistant. Once a chip flew in my eye and almost blinded me.

Since he is not that flexible, for the past 2 years I have been helping him with this chore. I clip, chip, gouge and file in a vain attempt the make his toenails a bit tidier. With all the running he has been doing he has to keep them short or else they jam up against his running shoes. This causes black toe nails, something that he does not need, it does not go well with the athlete's foot fungus. My poor hubby I love him tons and tons but his poor feet are a real turn-off. I have asked him NEVER to take his shoes off in an enclosed space.

As for me my feet are a bit large 8.5 but perfect in every way.


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