The Honeymoon is Over
I often wonder how long one should wait and how much one should bear before just throwing in the towel and saying "I'm not happy" or "This relationship is no longer satisfying." I feel very close nowadays. Although I love this man, this is not my dream relationship.
Dreams are just that- Dreams. I've been at it for almost five years now and we too have had a lot of problems.
Its great that you still love him, because sometimes even that can come and go. Too many people throw in the towel when they hit the first sinkhole. But, the more you two get through, the closer you will be. There will come a time when -although you're not floating on air - you won't be able to imagine him not being around.
On as side note, go into your blog Settings and turn on Text Verification under the Comments section. That makes people wanting to comment type in a word from a distorted picture to be able to post - something non-human computer programs can't do. That will cut out the bogus 'spam' comments you are getting.
Only you can answer those questions, sweetie. Hang in there.
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