Friday, September 02, 2005

To Try or Not to Try

We had a chat last night after dinner and he was in a good mood. He listened, gave me feedback and in the end we settled nothing, there was no argument. We just talked about his stress level and how I felt I needed a bit more attention. I requested a good hug once a day, a meaningful kiss once a day and a hug either in the morning when I get up or at night when I go to bed. If this "laundry list" seemed to demanding I asked him to let me know. He acknowledged that I seem more fragile these days and he would try his best to give me extra attention.

When someone tries we all know it and when they say they will try but don't, then we know that too. I am hoping he can take the time out to try. I cook when I don't want to, I iron, I take out the garbage, I do the laundry and all the other housework, this man does nada around the house (this was our agreement) and so I hope this is not too much to ask. We'll see.


Blogger kelly said...

it looks like you have a spam bot on your blog. you need some text-recognition if it gets bad.

so, you had posted to my blog about knitting - i have the SnB book too and do indeed have tips. email me at kelly AT hogaboom DOT org and i would love to share knitting insight.


11:16 PM  
Blogger Lil Bit said...

Are you serious??? Hell NO, you're not asking too much!!!

3:50 PM  

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